August 20, 2009

TIROL Chocolate

Tirol chocolate! I don't know what Tirol means, just that it spells LORIT backwards! ♥A gave me a bag of poisonous candy. Well, maybe not poisonous. Ok, a bag of candy that has expired. I am alive and well to post this blog, so that's good news!

Cute packaging as usual. I had fun photographing these. The first block of chocolate I opened had an airplane carved into it.

I thought the other pieces might have had different pictures, but they didn't. All airplanes. No cute panda bears or aliens or anything. I like to pop chocolate in my mouth and just let it melt, but was curious if there was anything inside so I took a bite...

Caramel! I loveeeee caramel! Especially when it's ooey gooey. This one wasn't ooey gooey, but still yummy. Overall this chocolate morsel was just the right amount of sweet and chocolate and I'd eat a whole bag of them. Even if they are expired.

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1 comment:

  1. I think I only ate one TIROL. It was more than enough. It was like heaven in my mouth. P.S. I'm sorry for bestowing upon you a death bag of candy. I'm glad you are still enjoying it though. And I'm glad that you are still alive/ :)
