June 3, 2009

Buy Me Snacky!

Konnichiwa! This blog is created by two bestest friends from high school who have serious cravings for junk food, especially foreign ones. Yes, it is THAT time of the month for us, always! This is just a little place for us to blog about the different snacks we’ve come across. (As well as practicing our photography and photo editing). Naming our blog was hard. From names like “Jelly Babes”, (‘cause after all, we’d be babes with jelly for as long as this snack review blog lasts) to “Taste Buds” (get it? ‘Cause we’re buds with taste) to “Two Skinny Fat Girls”, we finally agreed upon “Buy Me Snacky”.

So, welcome to our blog. Like buy us snacky?!

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1 comment:

  1. AnonymousJune 03, 2009

    This is gonna be SUCH an awesome blog! I can already tell. I'm excited!!! ^-^
