I have to start my first "Buy Me Snacky" post with an apology. I HAD an entire box to begin my post with, but ended up only three (yes, THREE!) individual apollo morsels to sample. Why? Because my candy was stolen (yes, STOLEN!!) by my little munchkin J. Well not really. In all honesty, J didn't really know that his mama's candy was off limits today. But these are so delicious, that I don't blame him for sampling 98% of the box...
From the popular Japanese Meiji company, these teeny-tiny candies are so addicting. These small jagged ("apollo", like the apollo spacecraft...get it?) cones have a chocolate base with a strawberry top. They taste like a creamier, candier, version of chocolate-covered strawberries.
The back of the of the box is in fully written Japanese. I don't know how to read Katakana, only a bit of Hiragana. If I had to take an educated guess, I'd say the box says "Eat me, I'm delicious." I especially like the kawaii ichigo/bunny mascot :)
Here's a picture of the apollo candy in comparison to the box. They are quite small and they go down really fast. The strawberry smell is just intoxicating and I'm getting a little hungry...
First pic is postcard material!