June 3, 2009


My (our) first snack review! I picked up this bag of ULTRAPUCCHOKUN for a few dollars at Don Quijote. It was hard choosing which jdm snack I wanted to review first. My attention mostly went to Ultrapucchokun because of the hologram packaging. (Why can't american candy have creative packaging like this?) I almost didn't want to open it. Now, I can't read Japanese and neither can my... Japanese friend, so without a translator, I was curious of what the little colorful thingies embedded into the candy pieces are.

Inside the bag were 13 individually wrapped candy pieces. COLORFUL wrappers. Some, I could see through the design of the wrapper. Some, I couldn't. I thought maybe the ones you couldn't see through had mysterious flavors, but no, they were all the same. It probably explains it on the bag, but I'm not Japanese, remember?

I like this picture. Anyway, this is what it looks like. It reminds of Hi-Chew, except it has little, colorful jelly-like thingies inside.

Also inside are tiny, white thingies that reminds me of the last 4 white birth control pills. (I've squeezed the candy piece like a zit to make it ooze out so you can see. Cool, huh?

After chewing it a few times like gum, I had a weird sensation in my mouth. Something grainy. And fizzy. The lil white thingies! The jelly thingies were kinda hard. Overall, this didn't have a flavor. None that I can recognize at least, but still tastes good! Pretty much every piece had the jelly thingies, but not every piece has the little "sugar pill birth control" pieces. That's actually the fun part of "pucho", me thinks!

Would I buy this again? Yes. Especially if they come out with SUPERULTRAPUCCHOKUN!

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1 comment:

  1. Omg, I bought those one time while I was in West Ed Mall .
    I love them!
    I had to go back to buy more.
    I still have a couple packs. haha
