August 20, 2009

TIROL Chocolate

Tirol chocolate! I don't know what Tirol means, just that it spells LORIT backwards! ♥A gave me a bag of poisonous candy. Well, maybe not poisonous. Ok, a bag of candy that has expired. I am alive and well to post this blog, so that's good news!

Cute packaging as usual. I had fun photographing these. The first block of chocolate I opened had an airplane carved into it.

I thought the other pieces might have had different pictures, but they didn't. All airplanes. No cute panda bears or aliens or anything. I like to pop chocolate in my mouth and just let it melt, but was curious if there was anything inside so I took a bite...

Caramel! I loveeeee caramel! Especially when it's ooey gooey. This one wasn't ooey gooey, but still yummy. Overall this chocolate morsel was just the right amount of sweet and chocolate and I'd eat a whole bag of them. Even if they are expired.

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July 28, 2009

Slight Junk Food Hiatus

Wow, it's been over a month since we've reviewed a snacky. We're still alive! Thanks for your non-concern. ♥A has given me a bag of candy to review. Half is gone and I hope the rest isn't melted. A new review will be posted I don't know when.

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June 8, 2009

Meiji Apollo Strawberry Chocolate

I have to start my first "Buy Me Snacky" post with an apology. I HAD an entire box to begin my post with, but ended up only three (yes, THREE!) individual apollo morsels to sample. Why? Because my candy was stolen (yes, STOLEN!!) by my little munchkin J. Well not really. In all honesty, J didn't really know that his mama's candy was off limits today. But these are so delicious, that I don't blame him for sampling 98% of the box...


From the popular Japanese Meiji company, these teeny-tiny candies are so addicting. These small jagged ("apollo", like the apollo spacecraft...get it?) cones have a chocolate base with a strawberry top. They taste like a creamier, candier, version of chocolate-covered strawberries.


The back of the of the box is in fully written Japanese. I don't know how to read Katakana, only a bit of Hiragana. If I had to take an educated guess, I'd say the box says "Eat me, I'm delicious." I especially like the kawaii ichigo/bunny mascot :)


Here's a picture of the apollo candy in comparison to the box. They are quite small and they go down really fast. The strawberry smell is just intoxicating and I'm getting a little hungry...


And then there were two. Do I recommend this candy? Hai!! Oishii desu yo!

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June 4, 2009


I know I already did a review on Ultrapucchokun, but I reviewed the "white flavor". I have 2 new flavors for ya, and they are orange soda flavor and... clear soda flavor? Club soda? Sprite? I dunno, but I'm just gonna call it that. Feel free to correct me, though. We love comments! ^_^

This bag came with some kind of freebie in a smaller package glued to the outside of the bag. After struggling to even pull the fricken thing off the bag, (the makers of Puccho used some strong glue on this one) I found these inside:

Frisbies? Coasters? Wall art? Trading cards? Whatever they are, they're cute! (The back is blank).

So there's 16 pieces in this bag, a few more than the other one.

Gotta love packaging that smiles at you!

Sorry, I must draw kawaii faces on my snacks from now on! The orange soda has a familiar Starburst taste, but not as intense. The club soda-Sprite is probably my favorite so far. I love it's fizziness! I would buy that flavor again in it's stick form, but not the orange. Didn't care much for that one. A bag of these 2 flavors at Walmart costs $3.08 (geez, Wally... roll back the 8 cents) and puccho sticks (I counted 10 flavors,) cost $1.99 at Don Quijote.

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June 3, 2009


My (our) first snack review! I picked up this bag of ULTRAPUCCHOKUN for a few dollars at Don Quijote. It was hard choosing which jdm snack I wanted to review first. My attention mostly went to Ultrapucchokun because of the hologram packaging. (Why can't american candy have creative packaging like this?) I almost didn't want to open it. Now, I can't read Japanese and neither can my... Japanese friend, so without a translator, I was curious of what the little colorful thingies embedded into the candy pieces are.

Inside the bag were 13 individually wrapped candy pieces. COLORFUL wrappers. Some, I could see through the design of the wrapper. Some, I couldn't. I thought maybe the ones you couldn't see through had mysterious flavors, but no, they were all the same. It probably explains it on the bag, but I'm not Japanese, remember?

I like this picture. Anyway, this is what it looks like. It reminds of Hi-Chew, except it has little, colorful jelly-like thingies inside.

Also inside are tiny, white thingies that reminds me of the last 4 white birth control pills. (I've squeezed the candy piece like a zit to make it ooze out so you can see. Cool, huh?

After chewing it a few times like gum, I had a weird sensation in my mouth. Something grainy. And fizzy. The lil white thingies! The jelly thingies were kinda hard. Overall, this didn't have a flavor. None that I can recognize at least, but still tastes good! Pretty much every piece had the jelly thingies, but not every piece has the little "sugar pill birth control" pieces. That's actually the fun part of "pucho", me thinks!

Would I buy this again? Yes. Especially if they come out with SUPERULTRAPUCCHOKUN!

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Buy Me Snacky!

Konnichiwa! This blog is created by two bestest friends from high school who have serious cravings for junk food, especially foreign ones. Yes, it is THAT time of the month for us, always! This is just a little place for us to blog about the different snacks we’ve come across. (As well as practicing our photography and photo editing). Naming our blog was hard. From names like “Jelly Babes”, (‘cause after all, we’d be babes with jelly for as long as this snack review blog lasts) to “Taste Buds” (get it? ‘Cause we’re buds with taste) to “Two Skinny Fat Girls”, we finally agreed upon “Buy Me Snacky”.

So, welcome to our blog. Like buy us snacky?!

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